The First Issue in 2023 is Now Published!
I am pleased to announce that the third issue of НЕУРОХИРУРГИЈА - The Serbian Journal of...
Editorials are submitted only by invitation.
Original research and similar articles should include:
Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion sections.
Please adhere to the relevant reporting guidline and follow the Author Guidelines.
Review and similar articles should include:
Introduction, Methods, Review, and Conclusion sections.
Reports (cases, complications...) and similar articles should include:
Introduction, Report, Discussion, and Conclusion sections.
Special Topic articles are related to the previously announced Call for Papers, coping with the single topic of interest to Serbian and International neurosurgical community.
Letters and Commentaries are unstructured.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
I am pleased to announce that the third issue of НЕУРОХИРУРГИЈА - The Serbian Journal of...
I am pleased to announce that the second issue of НЕУРОХИРУРГИЈА - The Serbian Journal of...
Neurohirurgija - The Serbian Journal of Neurosurgery | Editor-in-Chief: Lukas Rasulić
Published by the Media Education Centre and Serbian Neurosurgical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license.
ISSN 2955-9170 (Online) 2955-9162 (Print)