The First Issue in 2023 is Now Published!
I am pleased to announce that the third issue of НЕУРОХИРУРГИЈА - The Serbian Journal of...
Neurohirurgija - The Serbian Journal of Neurosurgery is the Official Journal of the Serbian Neurosurgical Society.
Launched in 2021 the Journal is focused to attract neurosurgical papers from Serbia, the region, and the world. The journal accepts all clinical and experimental research, as well as technical notes, reviews, reports, letters, and commentaries. Coverage includes all aspects of the case assessment and surgical practice, as well as all types of research, with an emphasis on clinical, rather than experimental material.
All papers are submitted to rigorous and independent double-blind peer-review process, ensuring the journal’s wide citation and its appearance in the major abstracting and indexing services.
I am pleased to announce that the third issue of НЕУРОХИРУРГИЈА - The Serbian Journal of...
I am pleased to announce that the second issue of НЕУРОХИРУРГИЈА - The Serbian Journal of...
Neurohirurgija - The Serbian Journal of Neurosurgery | Editor-in-Chief: Lukas Rasulić
Published by the Media Education Centre and Serbian Neurosurgical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license.
ISSN 2955-9170 (Online) 2955-9162 (Print)